Chicken antique !

recipe for chicken curry has been found in a British cookbook - dated 1796.
Chefs say the instructions by an early "Delia Smith" make a dish that today's tikka masala fans will love.
Great-gran Sylvia Sibley, 73, found the book in an old kitchen drawer when she was clearing her late mother's home.
Cook Hannah Glasse explained how to make curry "the Indian way".
The book is a later edition of Hannah's 1747 book The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy. She wrote it when George II was King and the last beheading took place at London's Tower Hill. There is also a recipe for curried rabbit, veal or mutton and tips on making antidotes to rabies or the plague

عثرت جدة بريطانية تدعى "سيلفيا سيلى" -73 عاما- على كتاب طهى عمره 215 عاما يعود تاريخه لعام 1796 فى احدى ادراج المطبخ القديمة اثناء تنظيف منزل والدتها.

ومن اشهر ما اشتمل عليه هذه الكتاب هى طريقة طهى الدجاج بالكارى على الطريقة الهندية ، وهو نسخة لاحقة من كتاب الفته جلاس عام 1747 فى عهد الملك جورج الثانى.

واللي يحب الطبخ يجرب الوصفه اليوم على الفطور

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